
Wednesday 22 August 2012

So, what was the trip?

On the 3rd July 2012, I started my month long trip to Uganda as part of a Tearfund, Transform team. I was part of a team of six and we went out to support the Diocese of Kigezi (based in Kabale, southwest Uganda) Water and Sanitation Programme.

We went out for a month, and spent about three weeks of that time in the rural community of Kaara, where we helped to construct a water tank to the church. Which was just utterly amazing and I didn't want to leave!  The people in the community had so much joy despite having so little. Incredibly humbling for a middle class girl who has never had to worry about food, who has been encouraged and support in my education and had the chance to purse other activities in my free time. Luxuries the children out there rarely get.

For more information about the work of the Diocese's water and sanitation project check out:

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